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The CryptoRave is an annual event that brings together, in 36 hours (24 from the event + 12 from the party), various activities on security, encryption, hacking, anonymity, privacy and network freedom.

CryptoRave is open and free and will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, registration will be on site.

It’s inspired by the decentralized global action to disseminate and democratize knowledge and basic concepts of cryptography and free software. The event began in 2014 as a reaction to the disclosure of information that confirmed the action governments to keep the world population under constant surveillance and monitoring.


Click here to register for the event.

To keep up with the latest news about Cryptorave, sign up to receive the event newsletter.


Version 1.0 of the CryptoRave 2024 schedule is now available!

Access directly the full version (and the printable version).


It’s up to all of us to promote CryptoRave! Print our promotional poster and place it in your territory, school, college! Spread the word!


CryptoRave 2024 will be hosted at Biblioteca Mário de Andrade.

Address: R. da Consolação, 94, São Paulo - SP. Close to Anhangabaú subway station.

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